¨The total commitment by each of us seems to bring the energy level to an unbelievable pitch. From an oblique corner of my mind, I perceive this energy flow to be seen and felt equally well by the others.¨ --Billy Westbay (RIP) from ¨Team Machine¨
From the beginning, this project has been an exercise in trust. My objectives now are simple:
1) Help the Bird financially
2) Keep the book in the community by donating it, if possible, to the Yosemite Climbing Museum

A document this unique deserves to be shared collectively.
Starting July 1, 2010, I´ll be accepting pledges to raise money for Jim Bridwell .
How to help:
Post your pledge in the comment section then send your contribution via PayPal using the button below. All pledges will be visible and public. On August 1, the pledge window will close and I´ll send the final pledge amount to Jim at his home in Palm Desert, California. Think about Jim´s contribution to this community over the past five decades, put a dollar figure to that -- and then double it! This is about community, trust, and helping one of our visionaries. Do what you can.

Postscript: If you have concerns about making a pledge over the internet and would like to assist Jim directly, write me [jackalope415 (at) gmail (dot) com] and I can help you contact him directly.